
Showing posts from June, 2019

Not Your Normal VBS Story?

A 22-year-old guy…dancing and jumping around with a bunch of kids…wearing a tiger bandana and tiger ears…having the same amount of energy as the kids…listening to VBS music in the car for months…spending his personal money on VBS materials instead of going out with friends to eat out…studying and praying for VBS instead of looking for a job, and even turning down some offers just so he can do VBS…committing to doing 2 VBS’s in one week...investing in younger students so they can lead VBS. This doesn’t sound like a normal 22-year-old guy. I’ve heard so many VBS stories. According to LifeWay Research, in 2017 alone there were 65,301 salvation decisions from VBS. So what makes my story stand out? I really don’t know.  My first VBS was in 2001 at Cleveland First Baptist Church. A family friend told my mom about this thing called “VBS” and mom signed me up. That’s where it started. Each and every summer many kids look forward to vacations. I always, and still, looked forward t