
Showing posts from January, 2019

Watchword 2019: Focus

Focus- a center of activity, attraction, or attention; a point of concentration It’s officially 2019! I’m so excited and ready for 2019. There’s a lot to be excited about, from graduating from UAB in April to interning at a local television station this Spring. It’s a year of transition. I’ll be transitioning from going to school everyday to going to work instead. I’m eager to see where the Lord leads me in 2019. Every year that I’ve been at GFBC, Pastor Kevin has challenged all of us to pray for a watchword at the beginning. At the end of the year we could go back and see how God use that word to impact of lives. In 2019, my watchword is focus. I should know a lot about focus. Being a broadcast communications major and a volunteer of GFBC’s media team, I work with cameras a lot. Our professor always stresses to make sure our image is always in focus. When I run a camera at church there are times someone will say, “check your focus.” Why is focus so important? In an image, the