Two Non-erasable Words: Under God

It's that time of the year once again, the 4th of July! A time where many of you take much needed vacations or spend time with family and loved ones at a backyard BBQ. Maybe you have plans to go to the lake or watch a fireworks show, like Thunder on the Mountain.
In any case, 4th of July is always about celebration. But what are we really celebrating? Yeah I know it's Independence Day, but what does that mean to us Christians? 

Every year around this time, a song pops into my head called "Under God" written by Jeff Slaughter. For any of my VBS peoples, you may remember Jeff from the music videos he did for LifeWay VBS from 1997 to 2012. This week, as we get ready to celebrate the 4th of July, I want to take time to examine the words of this song and look back at what God has done in this great country! 

I pledge allegiance to the land
Founded by our Fathers hands
Fashioned in the fire of freedom
That burned in every man
They lit a flame for all to see
Laying down their lives for liberty
Standing on a faith unyielding
This is our Legacy

Under God,
These are two words you can't erase
Under God,
We are protected by His grace
And we hold these truths as a banner to proclaim
Under God,
We will remain

In God we trust our Native LandThe safety of His Sovereign Hand
Guiding us to greater Glory
This is our Destiny
A city on a hill we’re shining bright
A pillar of fire through the night
Together we will lead the way
United we will stay

We the people
One nation
Created Equal"

Turn on the news and you see all the turmoil in the world and in this country. Some may wonder, "Is there even hope?" YES! Yes, there is! This country was founded on putting our trust in God's hand. George Washington once said, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." We as Christians should not be focused on worldly things, but what God wants from us. God has called us all to a mission. To spread His Word. This country made religious freedom a priority. We have it today! Sure, some may think otherwise, but remember that living for Jesus is not going to be easy. I was at a LifeWay store a few days ago and saw a shirt that said, "This book (referring to the Bible) is illegal in this many countries" with a list of countries below. We have the opportunity to learn God's Word and to take it to our neighbors here in the States and throughout the world. It excites me so much to see people doing this in our country. My dad has been a citizen for many years and has traveled on trips to evangelize to people in Spanish-speaking countries. Many teams from the church I attend have been going here, there, and everywhere spreading the Word. So as we celebrate this holiday weekend, let us also remember that because of the freedom we have, we also have the opportunity to respond to God's call to take His Word to all the nations of the world. As long as we seek God, we will always be one nation, under God!

*You can listen to and download  "Under God" by Jeff Slaughter on iTunes and Amazon*


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