A Back to School Prayer

Photo Credit: FreeBridge Media

Dear God,
You are great and mighty. My heart leaps for joy when I get to serve you. I pray this special prayer over everyone who is going back to school, whether it’s teachers, students, college students, or anyone else involved in school.

I pray for the students. Lord, this world is crazy and messed up. There are many different influences that come towards the students in these days. Let the ones that proclaim you as Savior and Lord of their lives not be afraid to stand up for what is right, even though it may mean they stand alone. Give them boldness, give them strength to share with their friends what You have done in their life. Let them shine like lights, and help them guard their testimony. Protect each and every student, whether it’s elementary, middle, high school, or college. Raise up a generation that will love, serve, teach, and go for You!

I pray for the teachers and faculty at all the schools. I pray that you would guide them and help them be a Godly influence towards the students. Let them show Your love to all the students. Guide them as they prepare lessons and teach the next generation. I pray for the administrators. Give them wisdom, give them perseverance. What a special gift you have given to the teachers, the ability to teach. I ask that you would bless them and their families. I pray for the coaches that will be coaching the students in their sports. I ask that you keep them and their players safe during games on the field or court.

I pray for peace for everyone, teachers, students, and family. Peace that You will be with them wherever they go. We might not know what the future holds, but we thank You that You hold it! Lead us to where You want us, guide us. I pray that you would take care of us as we begin school again. Thank you for allowing us to be in a country where we have an opportunity or an education. It is a blessing that we should not take for granted. Let us take advantage of it! Lord, let us realize that You will provide for ALL of our needs.

I ask and pray this in the powerful, precious name of Jesus. AMEN!


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