Missionz With Noe

I am blessed to announce a new opportunity that God has blessed me with. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to be able to serve in Kidz Kingdom at Gardendale First Baptist Church. I want to introduce “Missionz With Noe”, a new segment that will emphasize missionaries across the street and around the world.

After being a part of Galactic Starveyors VBS at Gardendale First Baptist Church this past June, I wanted to find a place where I could serve God with my talents. I learned so much about teaching children about Jesus and how He wants a relationship with each and every one of us. I discovered a gift I had, the gift of being able to share my faith with kid. I didn’t want to get right into it though. I wanted to take some time to pray if this is where God was truly leading me. I pondered this and prayed about it for the rest of June and July. One Wednesday night, during our Wednesday night service, Pastor Kevin said something that struck me. “Now is the time to get up and give God everything we’ve got for as long as we’ve got! If you have a talent that God has given you, why not use it?” The next day our college group met and afterwards I talked with the college pastor about how I had been more grounded in God’s Word since VBS. The conversation shifted into me possibly helping out in Kidz Kingdom. The kids would be going to camp in a few weeks and the college group was asked to help lead Kidz Wednesday night worship in late July. I was excited to volunteer for this! The week before, I went to observe how a Wednesday night Kidz service looked like. Afterwards I had a conversation with Mr. Ryan, kids minister at GFBC, about possibly being a part of Kidz Worship on Sundays, even if it meant just sitting with the kids and doing the motions to songs with them. He asked me, “If you weren’t doing kids worship, what do you think you would be involved in?” I said, “Probably missions.” Since I was little, missions has been a part of my life. When I was 5, my dad went on his first mission trip and has gone on many more ever since. He has gone with a close family friend, Dr. John Smith, on many of these trips. Missions has always fascinated me. Since my first VBS in 2001, a sweet lady at Cleveland First Baptist Church, Mrs. Mrya Thomas, has taught missions during VBS. I always looked forward to her class and seeing what people all over the world were doing for God! I went on my first mission trip in 2014. I thought to myself, “This would be so cool! To share stories about missionaries from right here in the USA and throughout the world. As my church likes to say, “Across the Street, Around the World.”
SUB25 college ministry at GFBC leading Kidz Summer Worship.

So now we are here. This Sunday, August 13, is my first “Missionz With Noe” segment. My goal is to teach kids about Jesus' command found in Matthew 28: 19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." I plan to do this through various ways like showing videos made for kids from the International Missions Board and other sources. I also plan on producing videos interviewing missionaries that I personally know, like people who have been on mission trips from my church or someone like my dad or Pastor Rick, pastor of Cleveland First Baptist who served as a missionary in Germany for over 25 years. I pray that God will use me as a missionary, whether it’s on campus at UAB or maybe even another country. My life is His, not mine.
Credit: GFBC Kidz Kingdom Facebook Page

I want to thank Gardendale First Baptist for allowing me to serve in this capacity. Thanks to Mr. Ryan, Pastor Madison, and the entire Kidz Kingdom ministry for allowing me to use my God-given talents to serve the church. I have launched a “Missionz with Noe” Facebook page that will highlight stories featured on “Missionz With Noe.” I can’t wait to see how God is going to use this and how the children will be impacted. Let’s go take God’s Word and Good News across the street and around the world!


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