Afternoon Darkness

Monday, August 21, 2017 is a day that has been hyped for the past few weeks, months, and even years. It is the day of the total solar eclipse! It’s been a while since the last one that went through the United States, which occurred in 1979. It’s easy to assume that anyone younger than 40 did not get to see the eclipse. Stores are busy selling glasses, which have been very hard to come by. Many people, young and old, will be looking at the sky that will turn dark in the middle of the day. For those who live in Alabama, the peak time is expected to be around 1:30 in the afternoon. It’s hard to not pay attention to it because it’s not every day the sky goes dark in the middle of the day.
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This reminds me of a story in the New Testament. Many people know the story. During this story, darkness came upon the sky in the middle of the afternoon too!

In Luke 23:44, it says, “It was about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining.”

Jesus had just been crucified. He was hanging on the cross, bleeding to death. He had been mocked and beaten. In the middle of the day, it got dark for three hours! The curtain in the temple was torn. Jesus breathed His last breath. The Father had given His Son to save us all!

Why? So that we would be able to have a relationship with God! The relationship that had been broken when Adam and Eve sinned was in the process of being restored. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. He had conquered the grave! Now we have access to the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ.

I know this story is mostly heard around Easter, but this is the most important event in all of history. Those who are Christians should remember everyday what Jesus did over 2,000 years ago for all of mankind. As you are watching the eclipse and the sky begins to turn dark, think of the time when the sky turned dark and Jesus was on the cross, bearing our sins and suffering, so that we could one day spend eternity with Him if we allow Him into our lives. Think about what Jesus did for YOU!


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