I Turned 21, but I'm Really 10

This past weekend I celebrated my 21st birthday! Nothing big, just time spent with my family. The one thing I prayed/wished for, God granted. I did a birthday fundraiser to help raise funds for my mission trip in 2018. All 21 spots were taken, and I am very thankful for the people who decided to donate.

The day I came into this world was December 2, 1996. Interesting fact…I was born a UAB. Who would’ve thought that 21 years later, I would be attending UAB. I was born with a sinful nature. We all were. No matter what good I do in this world, if I didn’t have Jesus as my Savior, it wouldn’t help me get into heaven. I realized this at a young age. As many of you know, Vacation Bible School has always had a special place in my heart. Since 2001, I have attended VBS at Cleveland First Baptist.
The people there mean a lot to me. They helped me build my foundations of Biblical knowledge.

Jesus said that everyone needs to be born again. I encourage that you read this truth in John 3: 1-21. In 2007, at 10 years old, I decided I needed to be born again. My real birthday is June 6, 2007. On that Wednesday at Game Day Central VBS, in the choir room, I prayed with then Pastor Ralph and VBS director Mrs. Darlene and accepted Jesus as my savior and Lord. I have many decisions that I will face in the future, but I’ve already made the most important decision I can in this life. I had two choices: say “no” to God’s gift and live my way, or say “yes” and let Him take me places I never thought were possible. Opportunities that are only possible through Him. I said “yes” and my life has never been the same. Life’s not easy. Life’s not perfect. But I have Jesus! He’s got everything in His hands. I’m a child of the one true King! Physically, I’m 21, but spiritually, I’m 10. I look forward to spending my 11th birthday at what else?...VBS!

Have you been born again? Have you said “yes” to Jesus? I pray that you would get to know the same Jesus I know. The Son of God who was sent to earth so that anyone who believes in Him would have eternal life. Caution…when you accept Jesus as your Savior, your life will never be the same.


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